Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Beatles Revolver

The infamous rock band, ‘The Beatles’ was formed in Liverpool, England in the 1960s, originally consisting of five band members; John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best. With John Lennon as the front man for the group, the band built their reputation playing in clubs around Liverpool and Hamburg soon to become the hottest rock band that Britain had to offer to the world. In 1961 the band witnessed the departure of Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best to be strengthened as a four piece with the addition of Ringo Starr and soon acquired a nickname as the “Fab Four”. By 1964 they had become an international sensation that was invading the American Pop Market. Predominantly inspired by songs about Love, Culture, Government and Revolutionary ideas, The Beatles had the perfect ingredients to appeal to the youth and fans that were victims of the psychedelic movement of the 60s.
Preaching about love and carefree ideals they were considered the musical rivals of ‘The Beach Boys’ from California.

With their wide spread success and numerous albums already under their belt, ‘Revolver’ was their seventh studio album to be released on August of 1966. It was a milestone in the band’s career and would mark a new turn that the band would take. With this album they started their phase of studio and instrumental experimentation. Their lyrical content began to become stronger and more politically oriented. The album ‘Revolver’ consisted a total of 14 songs, starting with a strong politically oriented song called ‘Taxman’. It featured lyrical content regarding the unfairness and outrageous rates of taxing of the English Government during the times. With the second song ‘Elenor Rigby’ they start to propel their songs towards a more experimental and abstract song structure. As the song progress it gets more and more melodramatic set in a minor key talking about the mundane lifestyle of the People. As the album progresses we notice the lyrical content continue to change featuring topics such as Drug use, loneliness, dreams, revolutionary ideas, sex and love.

In a technical sense we can really see how much The Beatles exploit the studio in this album. They use panning to their advantage and often experiment with positioning instruments different in the stereo field in each song. They make use of ethnic instruments such as the sitar in the fourth song of the album called ‘Love You to’. Producer George Martin experimented with new drum techniques such as dampening the Bass drum and compression to sculpt the drum sound for Revolver album. We can also notice the use of reversing record playback on certain instruments or stems within the song to create a dreamy effect in the story telling in the song ‘I’m Only Sleeping’.

I consider the album ‘Revolver’ by the Beatles a “psychedelic gem” and a stepping-stone to musical and cultural experimentation. We can start to see how the band evolved from catering to awe struck teens into revolutionaries for the genrations to come.

The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds

The American rock band ‘The Beach Boys’ formed in Hawthorne, California in 1961. The band originally consisted of Dennis Wilson, Carl Wilson and Brian Wilson as members with further additions to follow as the bands career progressed. Soon after their demo tape was approved by Capitol Records, they recorded their first album ‘Surfin’ Safari’ in April 1962. They soon became America’s top pop group during the psychedelic wave of the 60’s, with songs inspired by California’s surfer culture and care free lifestyle, preaching positive messages in their songs. As the bands career progressed with albums ‘Surfin’ USA’ (1963), Surfer Girl (1963), Little Deuce Coupe (1963), Shut Down Volume 2 (1964), All Summer Long (1964), The Beach Boy’s Christmas Album (1964) and Today! (1965). The band gravitated more towards revolutionary, melodramatic and hypnagogic songs as the intensity of the psychedelic movement grew during the mid-sixties.

Brian Wilson born in June 20,1942 is the front man of The Beach Boys. He was responsible for playing bass, keyboards and backing-vocals but also performed Lead vocals from time to time on certain songs. He was the chief arranger and composer but also acted as the main producer for the band. By the mid-sixties he was responsible for writing more than twenty Top 40 hits for The Beach Boys. He drew inspiration from the American vocal band ‘The Four Freshmen’ that had all members singing and playing instruments. Just like them, Brian had a knack for composing amazing vocal harmonies. He also drew inspiration from Chuck Berry and producer Phil Spector. Brian followed a great sense of perfectionism in the studio. He was always meticulous at crafting melodies and song arrangements, which ensured the band an amazing sense of detail and character while capturing the emotion of their songs.

While listening to the album ‘Pet Sounds’ by The Beach Boys, I noticed that they had a carefree idealism that they were preaching. While predominantly consisting of love songs, it also had mentions of revolutionary ideas or thinking. The songwriting consisted of amazing harmonies and a sense of smooth song writing that would at times even get epic. With Brian Wilson’s addition of sampled sounds of dog barks, Coca-Cola cans, Theremins, bicycle bells and whistles, it added a humorous flavor as well to the song writing.

In an engineering sense you can really hear the vintage character and warmth of the recording equipment back then, which is often lost in todays predominance of digital recording techniques. I prefer the mono versions as they are the untouched originals and capture the emotion of the times accurately with what was technologically available. As recording is predominantly about capturing a moment in time, I do not mind the lack of separation within the musical content of the songs. I do also appreciate the Stereo Re-masters as I can hear more clearly how much detail Brian and the band envisioned to have originally. With the stereo separation I can clearly identify the amount of layering that Brian as a composer and arranger has within his songs for the Beach Boys. Listening to them with my eyes closed intently, I was sucked away into an era in history with a consciousness that is often forgotten or lost in todays times. It has been a pleasure conducting research, listening and writing about The Beach Boys. I wish there are more bands in today's times preaching a positive message as The Beach Boys.


Pet Sounds Reference

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Revolver References

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Revolver (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved November 30, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolver_(album)

Revolver - Beatles Album. (n.d.). The Beatles. Retrieved November 30, 2011, from http://www.thebeatles.org/album/revolver

The Beatles. (n.d.). The Beatles. Retrieved November 30, 2011, from http://thebeatles.com/#/albums/Revolver2

The Velvet Underground & Nico References

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Andy Warhol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol

Marvin Gaye References

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Electronic Music Entry - Kraftwerk References

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Autechre References

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The Chemical Brothers References

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Welcome entry

Hello Everybody,

My name is Lalith Rao. I'm originally from South India, Chennai and have been living in the United States of and on for about 7 years now. I currently hold a Bachelors of Fine Art in 3D Modeling and have studied the entire production pipeline for film and video games. I am now continuing my studies here at Full Sail in the field of Recording Arts to further my knowledge in the Audio Production pipeline. My aspiration in the future is to work as a director/producer with my main focus at offering cutting edge sound for film/game production. I enjoy everything music and art, without it i would feel lost.

Welcome to my Music History 2 Blogspot. Here you will have my insights to the topics discussed in our Full Sail University Music History 2 online class. I hope you will enjoy reading my views here. Please feel free to post your comments regarding any of the topics addressed.

I look forward to your comments and interactions this month.