Sunday, December 4, 2011

Peer Comment for Isaac Lynn MH2 Revolver Article

Hi Isaac,

I enjoyed reading your article of The Beatles' Revolver album. I like the flow of your writing and how you keep it concise. A few things to point out which you may or may not know are that the Beatles were originally a 5-piece rock group. It was after the departure of the band members Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best in 1961 that Ringo Star joined the group. It was after that they were known as the "Fab Four".

I didn't know that it was the creative use of leslie cabinets and tape loops was what enabled them to create the sound of the vocals in the song "Tomorrow Never Knows". I am glad you pointed it out in your article as it got me, on a little research binge.

Also i noticed a little typo in your article. You noted ADT as ADR. ADR is automated dialog replacement. I am sure this was a typo and not intentional. Watch out in the Future.

Great post and i look forward to reading other to follow.

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